Friday, July 27, 2012

We're going to Roc Con! New Cumberland's first ever con!

 To see more of our works go Here

Ok we love cons here at Shamble Ramble, what isn't to love? Costumes, surprising events, great guest, and loads of things to do the only problems with conventions is the fact they aren't in PA! We've gone to several in Maryland and Virginina but for once someone decided to give PA a try and not just PA but New Cumberland/Harrisburg area. We had to sign up on that alone it's called Roc Con they called it Roc due to the fact they started in Rockchester, NY.

We're exited for this one day con and if it is a success the staff planner told us they'd like to come next year and up the days this con is a trial for them to see if they can get a response so those reading give them that response! Tickets are very reasonable $5 - up. It'll be held at the Holiday Inn Harrisburg West 248 Sheraton Dr. in New Cumberland Sunday, Oct 28th ONLY. Their site for ticket and more information go to Roc con's site!

We're going to be there too in the dealer's room selling our unique jewelry with styles from our steampunk, woodland, bridal, gothic, and rennisance lines! I'll be in costume and I'm trying to convince my Nicole to do the same! If you want to help me leave a comment here to encourage her!

Our friends over at Rising Phoenix Productions (The Movie site and Their site) will be showing their movie at the event and our friends from Hole In The Ground Productions will be there with their ingenious wares like the Ghost Buster's Pack and other handmade items! Their site here

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